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Gold Coast Summer Classic

2022/2023 End of Season Update

Hi Cubbies,

With the season all wrapped up the committee and I would like to thank every member of the club for their support. It truly takes an army to run a volunteer organisation! A major shout out and big thank you to our coaches, umpires, scorers, managers; you guys do an amazing job.

Season Highlights

• The batting cage and solar projects finalised.
• GC Summer Classic back in full force.
• Representative numbers across all age groups.
• Excellent uptake in volunteer help.

Club Person of the Year Award

The Club Person of the Year Award is awarded and presented annually to a Coomera Cubs Baseball Club (CCBC) member in recognition of performing above and beyond the call of duty in a voluntary capacity during the year for the overall benefit of the club and its members.

This person has been judged to have made the most significant contribution to the health, welfare and improvement of the club and its members.

2022/23 Club Person of the Year – Andrew White

Junior Player of the Year

Criteria: This award is available to any Junior player (from Little League to U20). This award is given to a Junior player that shows among other things outstanding commitment to the club, his or her team and coaching staff. Consistently leading on and off the field with an endeavour to continually improve themselves. This player must show outstanding sportsmanship both when winning and in defeat. This award should be what all our Junior players should aspire too.

2022/23 Junior Player of the Year – Mason Hood

To our sponsors we can’t say thank you enough for your support! Anytime Fitness Helensvale, Bendigo Bank Club Helensvale and ENAP.

Lastly I would like to thank my fellow committee members for their efforts this season. You have truly stood up and delivered again!

I hope you all stay safe and see you for next Summer!

Best regards,
Nick Day
Club President