Games are run by the Gold Coast Baseball Association (GCBA). Home games are played at our club’s Oxenford fields. Team Sizes are 9 on the field plus bench players up to 10 or 11 players in total. This is the first level of baseball where children are separated into two groups based on their skill level, Little League Majors & Little League Minors.

This is also the first level where a semi-competitive environment is introduced with scores recorded and finals played however the emphasis is still on skill development and equal participation. Although players are rotated though a variety of positions throughout the season this age group sees children starting to focus on more specific roles within the team.

Whilst players still pitch to the opposition in Little Minors the rules are modified to assist game play continuity and player enjoyment, this is achieved with no “base on balls”.


Baseball uses a Age Matrix to determine which age group applies. Players who have a baseball age of 10, 11, or 12 will play Little League (the matrix makes this easy to determine).


Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursdays 4:30pm – 6:00pm. (NB: Academy starts early October)

Training will commence early September with first games usually played first week after school holidays in October.


Saturday mornings.

In Little League, all pitching is by opposition players with most normal baseball rules applicable – except runners are not allowed to take a lead. In Little League normal baseballs are used for the first time.

Little League players also begin training in the Coomera Cubs Academy program that runs from October to December for 10 weeks. This is the also the first opportunity for exposure at a representative level. Coomera Cubs is part of the GCBA which enters teams in the State Championships each year and then on to the Australian National Little League National Championships. Coomera Cubs continues to provide some of the best baseball training and education in the region.

During the Christmas break Little League players can be selected into teams to play in the local GCBA Summer Classic. Teams from around Australia and the New Zealand participate in this tournament and forms the start of the representative season.

The season usually consists of 9 to 10 Saturdays in School Term 4 with another 6 to 7 Saturdays in Term 1 after school returns from the Christmas break. There are no games or training during school holidays.


Junior Gameday Shirt, club cap, white baseball pants, baseball glove, protective cup, sneakers or moulded cleat shoes.


Coach, Assistant Coach, Scorer (Skilled), Umpire (Qualified), Canteen


Teams from T-Ball (U8) and Rookie Ball (U10) are selected as evenly as possible.

Little League to U20 are selected on players’ ability. This will remain the responsibility of the Junior Development Officer and coaching staff. Teams will consist of no more than 12 players.

If you have any questions about playing Junior baseball with the Coomera Cubs Baseball Club, please feel free to contact our Junior Operations Coordinator.