Pre Season Umpire Seminar
This year, the QBUA is holding an Association Umpire Seminar at Redland Rays baseball fields, Duncan Road, Sheldon, 4157, scheduled for two days:
– Saturday 7th September 2024 from 8:00am to 5:00pm; AND
– Sunday 8th September 2024 from 8:00am to 5:00pm.
What to wear: Suitable pants, running shoes, cap.
What to bring: Water, sunscreen, glove, indicator, mask, any required medication.
The cost of this Seminar is $120 for new students (includes a shirt) and $60 to renew and includes lunch.
The link is to the nomination form which can only be completed once by a Gmail account holder, so each person will need to have a separate Gmail account to complete separate forms.
2022 QBUA Association Umpire Seminar Student Nomination Form
Payments need to be made to the account listed in the form prior to submission. Any questions, they can contact me via email only at secretary@gmail.org