Tee-Ball is a modified version of baseball for boys and girls. The game is all about being active and having FUN. The batting team hits the ball of a stationary tee and cannot get out on strikes. A modified ball is used that is softer and slightly smaller than a normal baseball to reduce the risk of injury and build confidence. This format teaches basic motor skills such as hitting, fielding, catching and throwing, and also introduces the concepts of teamwork, inclusion and fair play. In order to increase participation and skill development team sizes are usually limited to a maximum of 6 to 7 players.


Baseball uses a Age Matrix to determine which age group applies. Players who have a baseball age of  4, 5, or 6 will play Tee-ball (the matrix makes this easy to determine).


Training: Typically Wednesdays 4.30-6pm (TBA closer to the start of the season)


Games are played on Saturday mornings from 8.30am (subject to change by the league). There is 30 minutes of warm up and skills sessions followed by games. Matches are played as a home-away format with the other Gold Coast clubs. All T-Ball games for the league are played at one venue each week. There are no competition points or official scores recorded. The season starts early October through to mid December then breaks for Christmas returning for term 1 of school through to early March. There are no games or training during school holidays.


Junior Gameday shirt, club cap, baseball glove, protective cup, sneakers or moulded cleat shoes. Click here for more information about uniforms.


Teams from Tee-Ball to Little League Minors are selected as evenly as possible. Little League to U20 are selected on players’ ability. This will remain the responsibility of the Junior Vice President and coaching staff. Teams will consist of no more than 12 players. If you have any questions about playing Junior baseball with the Coomera Cubs Baseball Club, please feel free to contact our Junior Operations Coordinator.