U18 | U20
Summer Season (October to March)
The full rules of baseball apply, with games played on a full size field. Games are run by the GCBA with clubs from the Gold Coast area. Team Sizes are 9 on the field with bench players teams up to around 11 or 12.
Baseball uses a Age Matrix to determine which age group applies. Players who have a baseball age of 17 to19 will play U18/U20 (the matrix makes this easy to determine).
Thursdays 5:30 pm – 7:30pm
Saturday 3:00pm start – 2 hour game
Senior Gameday shirt, club cap, white pants, glove, protective cup, moulded or metal cleat shoes.
Coach, Assistant Coach, Scorer (Skilled), Umpire (Qualified), Canteen
Training will commence mid September with first game likely to be October 13. The regular season usually consists of 9 to 10 Saturdays in School Term 4 with another 6 to 7 Saturdays in Term 1 after school returns from the Christmas break. Finals are usually held in the last 2 weeks of Term 1. There are no games during the Christmas holiday period.
If you have any questions about playing Junior baseball with the Coomera Cubs Baseball Club, please feel free to contact our Junior Operations Coordinator.
Teams from Tee-ball to Little League Minors are selected as evenly as possible.
Little League to U20 are selected on players’ ability. This will remain the responsibility of the Junior Development Officer and coaching staff. Teams will consist of no more than 12 players.