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Wet Weather

Wet Weather Contact: Anna Day – 0400 000 047


If games are going to be affected check FB, PhoneAPP, or WebSite first. Your manager will contact you if games are cancelled.

We can’t respond to individual text enquiries!

Other clubs: Your Club wet weather contact will be contacted only.

Gold Coast ClubsWet Weather contacts

GBL Clubs – Wet Weather Contacts

GCBA Wet Weather Policy

Extract from GCBA Policies and Procedures Manual located here.


  1. 3.81  If in the opinion of the Umpire in Chief (in consultation with both coaches), the weather becomes potentially detrimental to any player’s health, the game will be abandoned.
  2. 3.82  In the case of wet weather, clubs must inspect the grounds and if unplayable:a) notify the opposing club not less than two (2) hours prior to the scheduled game start time.
    b) advise the GCBA Registrar at least two (2) hours prior to the scheduled game start.
    c) Notify the Umpire Coordinator at least two (2) hours prior to the scheduled game start.
    d) games are to be called off one grade at a time, unless it is obvious that the ground is unplayable forthe entire day.
  3. 3.83  If a game in progress is interrupted by rain, the umpires may delay the game as per the Official Australian Rules of Baseball. Timed games will still finish at scheduled time.
  4. 3.84  If wet weather causes games to be cancelled, they will not be replayed. Games played during that round will be recorded as games played. The home team is responsible to notify the GCBA Registrar of any cancelled games.
  5. 3.85  If a game commences, but is rained out before it becomes a regulation game, the home team scorer must still complete the game card and forward it to the Registrar. This will enable participants to be credited with game eligibility for finals (within the grade).
  6. 3.86  In the event that a finals games (other than the Grand Final) is washed out the following shall occur.
    1. a)  The game will be rescheduled for the next day (where the original fixture was to be a Saturday). Time and venues will remain the same.
    2. b)  If the game can not be completed during the scheduled weekend, the game will be rescheduled for the following Monday or Tuesday night at a venue which can host night games. The cost of lights for these games will be incurred by both teams equally.